The ASMA project (Assistance for Singing and Music Aesthetics) studies the social and aesthetic importance of vocal training in elementary schools, under the prism of contemporary teaching methods and the informed use of assistive educational tools. The aim of this project is the development of an interactive educational tool-suite supporting vocal instruction and correct singing practices in the Greek elementary school music courses. This work presents the revised ASMA Tool-Suite in its entity, after the necessary revisions that followed its original testing. The ASMA tool-suite consists of (a) Vowel Maps and Phonetograms, (b) Vocal Quality Tools, (c) Rhythmic and Melodic Tools, and (d) Polyphonic Tools, offering a wide range of vocal analysis and tuning tools, as well as vocal warm-up and training exercises. The Tool-Suite is accompanied by a “Guidebook of Proper Vocal Practice and Instruction for Elementary School Teachers”, providing teachers with a fundamental scientific, aesthetic, empirical, and technological background, necessary to better incorporate singing in the elementary school classroom.